Miraculous Recovery—How One Man Defied a Two-Month Cancer Prognosis

Cancer stands as one of the most deadly diseases in the world. Simon Huang, a Taiwanese man battling with a rare form of cancer, faced his mortality with calm resolve and opted to skip chemotherapy. Miraculously, as he awaited his fate, the tumor suddenly disappeared. During that period, he had encountered a transformative opportunity.

61-year-old Simon Huang was leading a fulfilling life with his loving wife and three children while running an agricultural technology company. In his free time, he played table tennis for two to three hours every day before the pandemic.

With his active lifestyle, Simon Huang had never imagined that cancer cells were silently lurking within his body. In late July 2022, Mr. Huang underwent shock wave lithotripsy to address kidney stone issues. However, the stone did not pass out after it was shattered. Three days later, around 4 a.m., he experienced intense abdominal pain. Rushing to the emergency room for an X-ray, an unexpected revelation unfolded—a sizable tumor in his chest. “It felt like a bolt from the blue—there was no sign of this misfortune!”

After undergoing additional examinations, it was revealed that the tumor measured approximately 8 centimeters (4 inches). Due to the tumor enveloping major arteries and the heart, the surgical risk was substantial. Fortunately, there was no cancer cell metastasis, and various bodily indicators were normal. Subsequent consultations led to the diagnosis of a rare mediastinal tumor. Further examinations in the hematology and oncology department confirmed it to be a neuroendocrine tumor.

The pathology diagnosis report for Mr. Huang in August 2022. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)
Mr. Huang’s pathology diagnosis report, August 2022. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)

Neuroendocrine tumors are malignancies of neuroendocrine cells that typically progress slower than other cancers. However, due to their rarity, they are often misdiagnosed as other diseases, leading to delayed treatment and ultimately jeopardizing patients’ lives. Research has indicated a rising trend in the incidence of neuroendocrine tumors in recent years. Well-known individuals diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumors include Apple’s co-founder, Steve Jobs, who suffered from gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and passed away at the age of 56 due to cancer recurrence.

Death Is Not the End

Mr. Huang recalled that he remained calm in the period following the discovery of the tumor at the end of July. Coincidentally, about two months before his diagnosis, he had read books about the immortality of the soul and near-death experiences, and he firmly believed that death was not the end of life.

A book titled, “Thiaoouba Prophecy,” left a profound impression on him. In this book, the author Michel Desmarquet recounts his invited journey to a celestial planet called Thiaoouba, where life surpasses Earth in beauty and essence. The Thiaoouba inhabitants, he wrote,  conveyed that the soul undergoes reincarnation cycles orchestrated by the divine to facilitate learning and self-improvement. Notably, the author was shown glimpses of 80 of his own past lives. They also highlighted a fatal flaw in modern Earth civilization—an excessive emphasis on materialism at the expense of spiritual well-being. Many individuals, engrossed in material pursuits, allow their souls to be contaminated, Mr. Desmarquet explained in his book.

Stuck at home due to the pandemic, Mr. Huang found himself in deep contemplation. Reflecting on a lifetime of relentless career pursuits, he realized the immense stress he had placed on himself. He came to understand that these endeavors were never the true essence of life. His only wish was to discover authentic spiritual practices in his lifetime that could elevate his soul to higher realms. Continuing to read and experimenting with Tibetan yoga, Mr. Huang felt that the journey toward spiritual enlightenment still seemed far ahead.

Mr. Huang at Sun Moon Lake, the second-largest reservoir in Taiwan. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)
Mr. Huang at Sun Moon Lake, the second-largest reservoir in Taiwan. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)

Discovering the Way to Elevate the Soul

On Oct. 1, 2022, Mr. Huang attended a gathering with friends, during which one recommended he read “Zhuan Falun,” the core book of Falun Gong.

Guided by the principles of “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance,” Falun Gong consists of five sets of exercises, including sitting meditation. Since its founder, Master Li Hongzhi, introduced Falun Gong from China in 1992, the number of practitioners had grown to approximately 70 to 100 million by 1999. However, the widespread popularity of Falun Gong stirred jealousy and fear among the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders. In 1999, the CCP began a brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, that continues unabated to this day.

Due to his frequent business trips to China, Mr. Huang had been exposed to negative propaganda about Falun Gong from the CCP, so he had never considered learning about it. However, following his friend’s recommendation, he earnestly sought information about Falun Gong and discovered that the practice is systematic, easy to learn, promotes kindness, and is entirely free. “This must be the practice I have been searching for!” Thus, he purchased a copy of “Zhuan Falun,” learned the five sets of exercises through instructional videos online, and watched lectures by Master Li Hongzhi.

Two-Month Prognosis

On Oct. 4, he returned to the hospital for a follow-up appointment. The doctor delivered the diagnosis of a neuroendocrine tumor and strongly recommended immediate hospitalization for chemotherapy, emphasizing the need for the most potent dosage due to the tumor’s size and precarious location. The doctor warned that without chemotherapy, he might only live for another two months. At that time, Mr. Huang’s face was already swollen—deprived of oxygen due to the tumor compressing blood vessels. His symptoms included coughing up blood, wheezing, and difficulty swallowing, making even eating vegetables a challenging task.

When neuroendocrine tumors progress to the stage requiring chemotherapy, death is often imminent for the patients. A study covering over 70,000 American neuroendocrine tumor patients from 1973 to 2014 revealed a median survival duration of 41 months. However, among those undergoing chemotherapy, the median survival duration drastically dropped to only 12 months. In other words, the majority of neuroendocrine tumor patients succumbed to the illness within the first year of chemotherapy.

Mr. Huang, after discussing it with his wife, decided not to undergo chemotherapy. He did not want to spend the final moments of his life in a hospital. Driven by his belief in the immortality of the soul, he aimed to intensify his practice of Falun Gong before departing, imprinting its teachings deeply in his heart. If he were to be reborn in the next life as a human, he hoped to remember and continue his spiritual practice.

Every morning, he rose early to practice Falun Gong, followed by another session in the afternoon or evening. Initially, during the practice, he often experienced pain in the location of the chest tumor, but he found it bearable. “Although it hurt, I quite enjoyed this kind of pain,” he said. He believed that feeling pain in the tumor during the practice was a positive sign, and sensed that the painful area was being stretched. When practicing the fourth set of exercises, he frequently felt a blockage in his throat, followed by loud burps and yawns. This resulted in a smoother breathing sensation after completing the exercises.

Falun Gong consists of four sets of standing exercises and one set of sitting meditation. Mr. Huang mentioned that initially, assuming the lotus position for meditation was challenging, and placing one foot on the other caused significant pain. However, he did not give up. After two to three months, he could finally adopt the half-lotus position, experiencing great comfort and delight. Now, he can meditate in the full-lotus position for an hour.

Mr. Huang practicing Falun Gong meditation. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)
Mr. Huang practicing Falun Gong meditation. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)

Sudden Regression of Tumor

After practicing Falun Gong for two weeks, one morning, he woke up feeling a strong irritation in his right nasal cavity—he then expelled nasal mucus enveloped in a streak of blood. From that day on, the nightly discomfort caused by postnasal drip and congestion, which had persisted for over twenty years, remarkably improved by more than ninety percent.

Despite an improvement in his physical condition, he never anticipated the tumor would vanish, nor did he give it any further attention. “To put it bluntly, I was just waiting for death.” It wasn’t until three or four months of practicing the exercises that he noticed there was rarely any pain in his chest. In touching his ribs, he found that the area of the tumor was now smooth.

“Originally, the tumor was approximately 8 centimeters in size, prominently bulging in the upper right chest. I didn’t even realize when it disappeared—pressing with my hand revealed no lump. Previously experienced symptoms, such as coughing up blood and severe chest muscle pain, were also gone,” said Mr. Huang.

The kidney stones that had troubled him for over a decade have not recurred. From 2010, he had undergone shock wave lithotripsy two to three times annually. Following stone retrieval surgery at the end of July 2022, more than a year has passed without any recurrence of kidney stone issues. Additionally, his previously lingering chronic pain from sports injuries had also gradually improved.

Mrs. Huang, witnessing the changes in her husband, also began practicing Falun Gong. Similarly, her health improved. Previously, she suffered from angina, experiencing two to three episodes each year, along with frequent headaches. In severe cases, she had to take two Panadol (an over-the-counter pain medication). Now, most of her symptoms have disappeared.

Mr. Huang, an avid sports lover, accidentally falling into the water while learning windsurfing. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)
Mr. Huang, an avid sports lover, after accidentally falling into the water while learning windsurfing. (Photo provided by Mr. Huang)

Changes in Both Physical and Mental Well-Being

In addition to the changes in their physical well-being, Mr. Huang and his wife learned to elevate their moral character by following the principles of “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.” When facing conflicts, they frequently examine their own issues, turning challenges into opportunities for personal growth.

Mr. Huang shared a recent incident—last Sunday, he and his wife were driving to a friend’s gathering. Faced with two route options—a shortcut prone to traffic jams and a longer route with smoother traffic—his wife insisted on taking the shortcut. He said, “Since this side is congested, let’s not choose it. The other side is only a few minutes slower, and it’s better than dealing with the discomfort of a traffic jam!” However, his wife still insisted, saying, “Let’s just go this way.” Initially, Mr. Huang thought of continuing to persuade her, but then he realized that both routes led to the same destination. Whether fast or slow, it did not really matter. Interestingly, once he decided not to argue, his wife quickly changed her mind and chose the route he suggested.

This may seem like a small matter, but before practicing Falun Gong, the couple used to argue over trivial matters and not speak to each other for two or three days. Now, such incidents no longer occur.

“When facing conflicts, it is quite challenging for both parties to look inward without making excuses. However, from our experience, enduring a conflict for the first time is difficult, the second time is still tough but slightly better, and by the third time, it’s almost impossible to stay upset. This is how my wife and I cultivate and improve our moral character,” said Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang and his wife express heartfelt gratitude for Falun Gong. “Now we are healthier than when we were 40 years old. We are completely free from health issues. With elevated spiritual well-being, life has become much more peaceful.”

On December 10, 2023, Mr. Huang gave a speech at the Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference in Taiwan, sharing his journey from a life-threatening condition to complete recovery. (The Epoch Times)
On Dec. 10, 2023, Mr. Huang gave a speech at the Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference in Taiwan, sharing his journey from a life-threatening condition to complete recovery. (The Epoch Times)

Promoting Disease Recovery With Mind-Body Practices

Cancer is a leading cause of death globally, with approximately 19.3 million new cases and 10 million deaths in 2020 alone. It is noteworthy that a fraction of patients successfully overcome cancer. A journal article published in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine documented instances where tumors in some cancer patients spontaneously regressed without treatment, although such cases are exceptionally rare.

American author Kelly Turner, after visiting 10 countries and studying over a thousand cases of cancer survivors, wrote a book titled “Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds.” In it, she distills nine key factors that contribute to the survival of cancer patients—radically altering diet, deepening spiritual connections, increasing positive emotions, releasing suppressed emotions, using herbs and supplements, following intuition, taking control of health, having strong reasons for living, and embracing social support. Notably, only two of these factors pertain to nutrition, while the remaining seven revolve around emotional and spiritual well-being.

In recent years, the Western medical community has gradually recognized the benefits of mind-body medicine for patients. In 2020, three experts from Massachusetts General Hospital published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine, introducing how mind-body practices, such as meditation and yoga, not only help relax emotions but also alleviate inflammation, boost immunity, relieve pain, and improve fatigue in cancer patients.

Research has found that practicing Falun Gong can extend the lifespan of late-stage cancer patients. In a study presented at the 2016 American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting, 152 cases of Falun Gong practitioners with terminal cancer were analyzed. The study showed that as of the report date, 149 patients were still alive and in good health. Compared to the predicted survival period of 5.1 ± 2.7 months, the actual survival period was significantly prolonged to 56.0 ± 60.1 months. Among them, 147 cases (96.7 percent) reported complete symptom recovery, with 60 cases confirmed by treating physicians.

Teresa Zhang is a reporter based in Hong Kong. She has written on health topics for The Epoch Times Hong Kong since 2017, mainly focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine. She also reports on current affairs related Hong Kong and China. Contact her at teresa.zhang@epochhk.com
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