Getting Intense: Why We Like to HIIT It

How intense is your everyday exercise? Even if you diligently go to the gym five times per week, you can still improve your output and results by changing the pace of your workouts. The secret to amping it up? Learning how to HIIT.

First off, we’re not physically hitting anything. HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, a workout method that gives users remarkably positive results. When you push your body by increasing intensity and pace, you get a more effective workout. The cycle is simple: go hard at your chosen exercise station, truncate your rest period, and get right back to it with the same level of intensity. Go through a few of these cycles and you’ll already have the basics of HIIT.

Here are Some Reasons You Should Join the Club:

Increased Efficiency. Even if you have only 15 to 30 minutes to spare, it’s plenty of time to fit in a high-intensity workout. In fact, some 10-minute HIITs are more effective than a half hour on the treadmill. Remember: go hard, shorten rest and repeat. Your body will feel the burn after a short period of time, and you’ll accomplish your goals even with the busiest of schedules.

Fat Reduction. Pushing your body hard through HIIT not only burns calories, but ignites your body’s repair system, which causes you to burn more during the 24 hours after the workout than many other cardio exercises.

Cardio and Strength Combo. With HIIT, there is no division between cardio and strength training. A HIIT workout will bring you into the anaerobic zone and increase heart health, while boosting your strength enough to keep the muscle and lose the fat. The harder you work, the more effective the results.

Metabolism Boost. A HIIT workout boosts naturally-produced human growth hormone (HGH), meaning you burn more calories while slowing the aging process.

Most high-intensity workouts are structured around cardio and body weight, but with Hammer Strength’s HD Elite rack system, HIIT strength training is finally available. HD Elite allows users to train several different muscle groups through multiple stations like attachable dips, rack platforms and chin-ups. The HD Elite system allows you to go high-intensity on your upper body, lower body and core — meaning you cut fat and gain muscle in one rugged and rapid workout.

Source: Visit the Life Fitness blog for more health and fitness information.

*Image of “cardio training” via Shutterstock 
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